PMO TAPES : देश बिक रहा है…खरीदने वाला चाहिए!

PMO TAPES : देश बिक रहा है…खरीदने वाला चाहिए!
भारत गणराज्य बिक रहा है…. ऐसी बात आपत्तिजनक ही नहीं है… ऐसा तो कोई सपने में भी नहीं सोच सकता है. लेकिन जो इस देश में फैसले लेते हैं, जो इस देश की पूँजी सम्भालते हैं और जो इस देश के कर्णधार हैं, वो वाकई गणराज्य बेचने पर आमादा हैं.
टेलीकॉम मंत्री को भी नहीं बख्शा टेलीकॉम कपंनियों ने
कोई आरोप लगाए तो आरोप झूठे भी हो सकते हैं. लेकिन अगर देश का सबसे अमीर व्यक्ति देश की सबसे बड़ी अदालत के जज को खरीदने की बात खुद कर रहा हो तो आप क्या कहेंगे? अगर देश का संचार मंत्री और उसका OSD खुद संचार के सारे तंत्र को नीलाम कर रहा हो और सारी बातें फ़ोन पर रिकॉर्ड हो रही हों तो इस साक्ष्य को लेकर आप क्या कहेंगे ?
हद तो ये कि प्रमोद महाजन तब टेलीकॉम मंत्री थे और उनके टेलीफोन की हर काल देश की ही एक टेलीकॉम कम्पनी रिकॉर्ड कर रही थी. इस तरह आईएस अधिकारी एन के सिंह तब पीएमओ के सबसे ताकतवर नौकरशाह थे लेकिन टेलीकॉम कम्पनी एस्सार ने पीएमओ में भी सेंध लगा दी थी. एस्सार ने प्रमोद महाजन के अलावा जसवंत सिंह, पियूष गोयल, मुलायम सिंह यादव, सुरेश प्रभु, प्रफुल पटेल, राम नायक, अमर सिंह जैसे वरिष्ठ नेताओं के फोन गैर कानूनी तरीके से टैप किये. यही नहीं, अमिताभ बच्चन और सुब्रत रॉय के अलावा मुकेश अम्बानी और अनिल अम्बानी जैसी शख्सियत की गोपनीय बातें भी रिकॉर्ड की गई.
सुप्रीम कोर्ट के जज से लेकर सांसद तक सब बिकाऊ हैं
अहम लोगों की फोन पर बातचीत भले ही गैर कानूनी तरीके से रिकॉर्ड की गई लेकिन इन बातों से ये ज़ाहिर होता है कि कैसे उद्योगपति और नेता मिलकर देश खरीद रहे थे. नियमों को ताक पर रखकर अरबों रुपये के मोबाइल सर्विस लाइसेंस बेचे जा रहे थे. अरबों रुपये के गैस ब्लॉक फोन पर नीलम हो रहे थे. शेयर घोटाले पर बनी संसदीय समिति से खुले आम डील हो रही थी. मंत्रियों के ट्रांसफर रोकने के लिए सांसदों को पैसे देकर पीएम पर दबाव बनाया जा रहा था. लोन माफ़ करने के लिए सरकारी बैंकों के अध्यक्ष ब्लैकमेल हो रहे थे और बिकने वाले लोगों में सुप्रीम कोर्ट के जज भी थे. गुनाहों की फेहरिस्त बहुत लम्बी है. पढ़ते पढ़ते आप ऊब जायेंगे. आपको सिस्टम से नफरत हो जाएगी. मैं भी आपको उबाने के लिए आपसे माफ़ी चाहता हूँ .
नीचे आप पीएमओ को लिखी सुप्रीम कोर्ट के वकील सुरेन उप्पल की उस चिट्ठी के वो अंश पढ़ सकते हैं जिसमें फोन पर हुई अहम खुलासों का ब्यौरा दिया गया है.
A Very Few of The Highly Objectionable Recorded Conversations are mentioned herein-below:
1.Interception & Tapping of Conversations between, Firstly, the Top Banking Officials, who constituted the Lending Committee and Were Instrumental in Deciding & Approving the Financial Restructuring of ESSAR OIL, Secondly, the Disinvestment of Certain PSU’s, and Thirdly, Other Conversations that involved the Directors and Senior Officials of ESSAR Group itself, that Substantiates Company’s involvement in influencing the Loop investigation as against them by exploiting their Political linkages.
2.Interception & Tapping of Conversations between Firstly, the CMD, RIL alongside its Directors/Promoters and Senior Officials, Secondly, the Office of PMO including that of Prime Minister’s Secretaries Mr. N K Singh, Mr. Ranjan Bhattacharya & Mr. Brijesh Mishra, Senior Cabinet Level Ministers including the Telecom Minister Late Mr. Pramod Mahajan and Petroleum Minister Mr. Ram Naik and many other Senior Government Officials across various other Ministries.
3.Interception & Tapping of Conversations between, Firstly, the Top Banking Officials, who constituted the Lending Committee and Were Instrumental in Deciding & Approving the Financial Restructuring of ESSAR OIL, Secondly, the Disinvestment of Certain PSU’s, and Thirdly, Other Conversations that involved the Directors and Senior Officials of ESSAR Group itself, that Substantiates Company’s involvement in influencing the Loop investigation as against them by exploiting their Political linkages.
4.Interception and Tapping of Senior Banking Officials i.e. Mr. P. P. Vora, CMD IDBI Bank, Lalita Gupte, ICICI Bank, Mr. K V Kamath, CMD ICICI Bank, Mr. Janaki Balab, CMD State Bank of India, Mr. Rana Kapoor, YES Bank and Mr. S Mukherjee, ICICI Bank during June 2001 to 2004, with the sole objective of benefiting from the confidential & proprietary information relating to the financial restructuring of the ESSAR Group.

5.Many Conversations between Mr. Shishir Agrawal and Mr. Sunil Bajaj, Head of Corporate Relations, ESSAR Group, wherein there is a clear admission of ESSAR Group having influenced the CBI that was investigating the 2G scam and managing the concerned government Officials to deal with M/s Essar with kids-gloves and to Soften its investigations as against the Company (It is significant that the present information had been made available by virtue of Internal Surveillance that My Client was required to undertake being the Vigilance head, which he happened to come across now, while screening the stored Data).
6.Conversations Dt. 01.12.2002 between Mr. Mukesh Ambani and Mr. Satish Seth, wherein they have been heard of managing the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India through Mr. Pramod Mahajan, with the visit and meeting of Mr. Ajay Singh with the CJI of India.
7.Detailed Conversation Between Mr. Parimal Nathwani and Mr. Satish Seth, proving how Reliance had succeeded in Dictating the tariff plans of BSNL, thereby making huge profits for Reliance.
8.Conversations Between Mr. Mukesh Ambani and Mr. Satish Seth, wherein Mr. Ambani instructed Mr. Seth to get 4-5 letters written from the various CM’s, 8-10 MP’s and another 500 letters to mark their support in favour of Mr. Pramod Mahajan’s continuance as the Telecom Minister.
9.Conversations Between Mr. Mukesh Ambani and Mr. Satish Seth, wherein Mr. Ambani suggests to break COAI. Mr. Ambani further Suggested that Mr. Rajeev Chandra Shekhar, be given 100/200 crores to break him from the rest of cellular lobby.
10.Conversations Dated 22.11.2002 between Mr. Mukesh Ambani and Mr. Shankar Adwal, wherein Mr. Mukesh Ambani, has declared the company could save Rupees Rs. 1,300 crores from being paid to the Government, as the Cellular Operator’s License fee by removing the file from the TEC, and that the same was done in connivance with Telecom Officials Mr. Ajoy Mehta and Ajay Singh.
11.Conversations Between Mr. Mukesh Ambani, Satish Seth and Mr. Ajoy Singh, wherein it is shared that how Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal’s requests for interconnectivity with Reliance and BSNL are falling flat with the Ministry officials and Mr. Pramod Mahajan, and that the same are purposely delayed.
12. Conversations Between Mr. Satish Seth and Ajay Singh, wherein in pursuance to the joint conspiracy between Reliance and the Telecom Ministry Officials, Mr. Sunil Bharti’s requests of AIRTEL’s interconnectivity with MTNL was not heeded to by the Ministry and Mr. Mahajan was not receiving the calls of Mr. Bharti etc. It was further mentioned that Mr. Pramod Mahajan is fighting for the cause of Reliance through his ministry.
13.Conversations between Mr. Hetal Meswani and Mr. Satish Seth, that provides incriminating information regarding the KG Basin scam.
14.Conversations between Mr. Anil Ambani and Mr. Satish Seth 29.01.2003, wherein there is a clear disclosure regarding, how Reliance was trying to manage, the Shivani Bhatnagar Murder case to favour Mr. Pramod Mahajan and how the same was diluted as against the Minister and the Company has been able to control the uproar in the Parliament by using Mr. Amar Singh.
15.Conversation Between Mr. Pramod Mahajan & Mr. Satish Seth, wherein Mr. Mahajan told that his going out of the I & B Ministry may prove to be very detrimental to the interests of Reliance and further that Mr. Mukesh Ambani should try through his contacts in the PMO to ensure that Mr. Mahajan continues as the I & B Minister.
16.Multiple conversations between Mr. Anand Jain, Mr. Mukesh Ambani, Mr. Satish Seth and others, which clearly reflects how unfair means were adopted for illegally acquiring the reserved plot at Altamont Road, which could not be otherwise alienated. The conversations reflect the involvement of Mr. Ashok Chavan, Mr. Raashid Alwi, Mr. Gopinath Munde, Mr. Poojari, Ajit Nimbalkar and others. The Conversations further substantiate, how the money was paid to get orders passed and prime property purchased at a value of their own wish and also RIL saved money in lieu of the Stamp Duty liability.

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